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Tsukumogami are Spirits in Yomawari: Midnight Shadows.


Tsukumogami are spirits that take the form of multiple everyday objects. These include: vases, umbrellas, knives and televisions. But when they are active, they grow legs to walk. These legs are black and stick-like.

The Vase Tsukumogami appear as dark brown & light brown vases with a long crack and a pair of legs. The Umbrella Tuskomogami appear as a yellow & white umbrellas with their handle transforming into a single leg. The Knife Tsukomogami appear as a silver kitchen knife with a pair of short legs coming from the knife's handle. And Television Tsukumogami appear as a small, red rectangular television with a black back-part, a cracked screen, and four legs.


They will be immobile like a regular object while they are in the dark. When exposed to light they will get legs and start moving towards one of the girls or just move around in the area. When in the dark, they present no threat and can be safely touched.

Because they are mixed with ordinary objects, it can cause people to be cautious whenever a possible Tsukumogami might be present. And with the threat of Spirits that are invisible in the dark or Spirits that need light to stop them, it is best to identify which objects are Tsukumogami with the flashlight to help plan how to maneuver around them all.

Mythology and Theories[]

Tsukumogami (付喪神 or つくも神) can translate as "Tool Spirits" from Japanese. In Japanese mythology, they are objects that gain a spirit. They have many different original concepts in Japanese folklores. But today, the general concept is that Tsukumogami are spirits residing in objects as a result of age. This happens when an object, once they reach the age of around 100 years, gain life and self-awareness. However, this current concept still has controversy and dispute.

One of the kind of Tsukumogami are "Karakasa Kozo". The "Karakasa Kozo" is a yokai that takes the form of a sentient umbrella with one eye and a mouth with a long tongue. Some of them are also depicted with two arms. This yokai hops around on a leg, which used to be its handle. Some variants of the umbrella Tsukumogami are harmless and simple enjoy surprising or scaring people. However, there are other versions that are dangerous.

In the past, "Karakasa Kozo" are created from paper umbrellas or bamboo umbrellas from olden Japan. In Yomawari: Midnight Shadows, this one is created from modern plastic umbrellas.


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